Mammal / Vulpes bengalensis

Indian Fox

Also known as Lonkadi, lomadi, lomadio, lonkadio, lokri


Lowest risk


The Bengal fox, also known as the Indian fox, is a fox endemic to the Indian subcontinent from the Himalayan foothills and Terai of Nepal through southern India. and from southern and eastern Pakistan to eastern India and southeastern Bangladesh.

Average elevation
1350 m
Range mass
2.26 to 4.18 kg
Range length
45.72 to 60.96 cm
Breeding interval
Bengal foxes breed once annually.
Breeding season
Breeding occurs from December to January.
Range number of offspring
2 to 6
Average number of offspring
Average number of offspring
Range gestation period
50 to 53 days
Average weaning age
3 weeks
Average time to independence
4 months
Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female)
1 to 2 years
Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male)
1 to 2 years
Average lifespan
Status: wild
10.0 years
Range territory size
10 (high) m^2

Meadors, P. 2007. "Vulpes bengalensis" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed November 10, 2020 at

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