Mammal / Vulpes bengalensis
Indian Fox
Publications that mention Indian Fox in relation to Kutch
- Food habits of the Indian fox (Vulpes bengalensis) in Kutch, Gujarat, IndiaC Home, YV Jhala - Mammalian Biology, 2009 - Springer
- Resource utilization by the Indian fox, Vulpes bengalensis in Kutch, GujaratC Home - MS thesis, 2005 - researchgate.net
- Vulpes bengalensisME Gompper, AT Vanak - Mammalian Species, 2006 - BioOne
- Estimating breeding pair densities of the Indian fox in Kutch, Gujarat, IndiaC Home, YV Jhala - Canid News, 2010 - canids.org
- Estimating food intake from scats in the omnivorous Indian Fox (Vulpes bengalensis)KK Maurya, IP Bopanna, YV Jhala - Journal of the Bombay Natural …, 2012 - researchgate.net
- Distribution, den characteristics and diet of the Indian Fox Vulpes bengalensis (Mammalia: Canidae) in Karnataka, India: preliminary observationsHN Kumara, M Singh - Journal of Threatened Taxa, 2012 - threatenedtaxa.org
- Ecology of Indian Fox Vulpes bengalensis (Shaw, 1800) in and Around Tal Chhapar Wildlife Sanctuary, Rajasthan, IndiaS Dookia, SK Das - Indian Forester, 2012 - indianforester.co.in
- Photographic records of ophiophagy in Indian Fox (Vulpes bengalensis)R Vyas, K Upadhyay, M Thaker - ZOO'S PRINT, 2016 - zoosprint.zooreach.org
- Dietary niche separation between sympatric free-ranging domestic dogs and Indian foxes in central IndiaAT Vanak, ME Gompper - Journal of Mammalogy, 2009 - academic.oup.com
- Importance of native grassland habitat for den-site selection of Indian foxes in a fragmented landscapeGA Punjabi, R Chellam, AT Vanak - PloS one, 2013 - journals.plos.org
Related papers
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- Foraging habits of the Red Fox Vulpes vulpes (Mammalia: Carnivora: Canidae) in the Himalaya, IndiaA Maheshwari - Journal of Threatened Taxa, 2018 - threatenedtaxa.org
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