Bird / Tringa glareola

Wood Sandpiper


Lowest risk


The wood sandpiper is a small wader. This Eurasian species is the smallest of the shanks, which are mid-sized long-legged waders of the family Scolopacidae. The genus name Tringa is the New Latin name given to the green sandpiper by Aldrovandus in 1599 based on Ancient Greek trungas, a thrush-sized, white-rumped, tail-bobbing wading bird mentioned by Aristotle. The specific glareola is from Latin glarea, " gravel".

Average mass
159 g
Range length
190 to 210 mm
Range wingspan
120 to 134 mm
Breeding interval
Wood sandpipers breed seasonally.
Breeding season
Wood sandpipers breed from May to August.
Range eggs per season
3 to 4
Average eggs per season
Range time to hatching
22 to 23 days
Range fledging age
28 to 31 days
Average time to independence
1 years
Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female)
1 years
Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male)
1 years
Average lifespan
Status: wild
9.2 years

Buettner, A. and J. Pazos 2013. "Tringa glareola" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed November 10, 2020 at

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