Masked Booby

Lowest risk
The masked booby, also called the masked gannet or the blue-faced booby, is a large seabird of the booby and gannet family, Sulidae. First described by the French naturalist René-Primevère Lesson in 1831, the masked booby is one of six species of booby in the genus Sula. It has a typical sulid body shape, with a long pointed yellowish bill, long neck, aerodynamic body, long slender wings and pointed tail. The adult is bright white with black wings, a black tail and a dark face mask; at 75–85 cm (30–33 in) long, it is the largest species of booby. The sexes have similar plumage. This species ranges across tropical oceans, except in the eastern Atlantic and eastern Pacific. In the latter, it is replaced by the Nazca booby, which was formerly regarded as a subspecies of masked booby.
- Range mass
- 1220 to 2353 g
- Range length
- 74 to 86 cm
- Average wingspan
- 152 cm
- Average basal metabolic rate
- 5.5209 W
- Breeding season
- Breeding seaons vary widely throughout the range of masked boobies.
- Range eggs per season
- 1 to 2
- Average eggs per season
- 1
- Average eggs per season
- 1
- Average time to hatching
- 43 days
- Range fledging age
- 109 to 151 days
- Range time to independence
- 1 to 2 months
- Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female)
- 3 to 5 years
- Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male)
- 3 to 5 years
- Range lifespan
Status: wild - 15 to 20 years
- Average lifespan
Status: wild - 306 months
Mansoor, P. 2004. "Sula dactylatra" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed November 10, 2020 at https://animaldiversity.org/accounts/Sula_dactylatra/

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