Reptile / Platyceps ventromaculatus

Glossy-Bellied Racer Snake

Publications that mention Glossy-Bellied Racer Snake in relation to Kutch
  1. No papers listed that specifically mention Platyceps ventromaculatus
Related papers
  1. zoogeography of snakes in PakistanMS Khan -
  2. Current distribution and status of the mammals, birds and reptiles in Rann of Kutch Wildlife Sanctuary, Sindh.SA Ghalib, MZ Khan, SA Hussain, A Zehra… - International Journal of …, 2013 -
  3. Distribution and Current Status of the Reptiles of Khirthar Protected Area Complex (KPAC) and Adjoining Areas in Districts Karachi, Jamshoro and Thatta, SindhSA Ghalib, MZ Khan, A Zehra, A Begum… - Current World …, 2015 -
  4. Reptiles of Gujarat, India: updated checklist, distribution, and conservation statusH Patel, R Vyas - Herpetology Notes, 2019 -
  5. Distribution and Status of Vertebrate Fauna of Mahal Kohistan Wildlife Sanctuary, Khirthar Protected Area Complex, SindhMA IQBAL, MZ KHAN, GS GACHAL… - Sindh University …, 2018 -
  6. Über die Rajasthan-Krötenkopfagame Bufoniceps laungwalaensis (Sharma, 1978), ein Endemit aus der Wüste TharI AGARWAL, V MISTRY, F TILLACK - 2009 -
  7. A review of reptile studies in Gujarat StateR Vyas - Zoos' Print Journal, 2000 -
  8. Effect of right bank outfall drain (RBOD) on biodiversity of the wetlands of Haleji wetland complex, SindhMZ Khan, T Jabeen, SA Ghalib, S Siddiqui… - Canadian Journal of …, 2014 - Citeseer
  9. A guide to the snakes of PakistanMS Khan - 2002 -

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