Mammal / Megaptera novaeangliae
Humpback Whale
Publications that mention Humpback Whale in relation to Kutch
- Humpback whales Megaptera novaeangliae in the Arabian SeaYA Mikhalev - Marine Ecology Progress Series, 1997 - int-res.com
- Report on the Arabian Sea Humpback Whale Workshop: Developing a collaborative research and conservation strategyG Minton, R Reeves, T Collins, A Willson - 2015 - mmc.gov
Related papers
- Baleen Whale Records from IndiaD Sutaria, M Sule, K Jog, I Bopardikar, A Jamalabad… - 2017 - arabianseawhalenetwork.org
- The marine mammals of IndiaP James, RS Lal Mohan - Marine Fisheries Information Service …, 1987 - eprints.cmfri.org.in
- Occurrence of whales and dolphins in Pakistan with reference to fishers' knowledge and impactsMA Gore, MS Kiani, E Ahmad, B Hussain… - Journal of Cetacean …, 2012 - academia.edu
- Arabian humpback and baleen whale sightings along the Pakistan coast: Information generated through WWF Pakistan's fishing crew observer programmeM Moazzam, R Nawaz - International Whaling Commission Meeting. 13p, 2017 - t.iotc.org
- Arabian Humpback and Baleen Whale sightings along the Pakistan Coast: Information Generated Through WWF Pakistan's Fishing Crew Observer Programme …M Moazzam - arabianseawhalenetwork.org
- A whale of a deceptionP Clapham, Y Ivashchenko - Marine Fisheries Review, 2009 - aquaticcommons.org
- Marine mammal research in India–a review and critique of the methodsPL Kumaran - Current Science, 2002 - JSTOR
- Diversity of Marine Mammals of India—Status, Threats, Conservation Strategies and Future Scope of ResearchS Venu, B Malakar - Marine Faunal Diversity in India, 2015 - Elsevier
- Indo-West Pacific marine mammalsP Rudolph, C Smeenk - Encyclopedia of marine mammals, 2009 - Elsevier
- Marine turtles and mammalsM Rajagopalan, NG Menon - 2003 - eprints.cmfri.org.in
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- Conservation of marine mammalsP Bensam, NG Menon - 1996 - eprints.cmfri.org.in
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- NMML Acquisitions: May–June 2009EE Zones - Citeseer
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- A checklist of turtle and whale barnacles (Cirripedia: Thoracica: Coronuloidea)R Hayashi - Marine Biological Association of the United …, 2013 - search.proquest.com
- Cetacean paleobiologyFG Marx, O Lambert, MD Uhen - 2016 - books.google.com
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- Cetaceans and cetacean research in IndiaRP Kumarran - Journal of Cetacean Research and Management, 2012 - researchgate.net
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- Checklist of mammals of South AsiaPO Nameer - Mammals of South Asia, 2015 - researchgate.net
- Status and Red List of Pakistan's MammalsS Molur - 2003 - Citeseer
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- Marine Ecosystems Challenges and Opportunities (MECOS 09) Book of AbstractsE Vivekanandan, TM Najmudeen, TS Naomi… - 2009 - eprints.cmfri.org.in
- The Whale Trail of South AfricaA Davie - 2008 - books.google.com
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- Sabkhas, saline mudflats and pansJK Warren - Evaporites, 2016 - Springer
- Carbon sequestration by coastal floral community: A ground zero observation on blue carbonA Mitra - 2014 - books.google.com
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