Bird / Lanius vittatus

Bay-Backed Shrike

Publications that mention Bay-Backed Shrike in relation to Kutch
  1. No papers listed that specifically mention Lanius vittatus
Related papers
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  2. Distribution pattern of birds in Banni Grassland of Kachchh district, Gujarat, IndiaMH Koladiya, AKR Mahato, NB Gajera… - Journal of Research in …, 2014 -
  3. Status, Distribution, and Diversity of Birds in Mining Environment of Kachchh, GujaratNB Gajera, AKR Mahato… - International Journal of …, 2013 -
  4. Preliminary survey of avifauna around wind farm of Jangi region, Kutch District, Gujarat, IndiaAM Ali, SR Kumar, PR Arun… - Scientific Journal of …, 2012 -
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  7. Report of the early winter migrants and resident birds in an inland wetland near Tundi Camp, Bajana, GujaratA Chatterjee, S Ghoshal, S Chowdhury… - … of Threatened Taxa, 2018 -
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  28. Note from the PublisherNC Hiragond, HK Sahu, SD Rout - Newsletter for Birdwatchers, 2013 -
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  35. Faunal Biodiversity Survey for Baseline Assessment of Khijadiya Wildlife Sanctuary in Gujarat. CMPA Technical Series No. 33. Indo-German Biodiversity …B Jethva, C Dave, K Ahir, D Parasharya, M Gadhvi… - 2017 -
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