Bird / Grus antigone

Sarus Crane


High risk of endangerment in the wild


The sarus crane is a large non-migratory crane found in parts of the Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia, and Australia. The tallest of the flying birds, standing at a height up to 1.8 m, they are a conspicuous species of open wetlands in south Asia, seasonally flooded Dipterocarp forests in Southeast Asia, and Eucalyptus-dominated woodlands and grasslands in Australia.

Range mass
5.0 to 12.0 kg
Average length
1.8 m
Range wingspan
2.5 (low) m
Breeding interval
Once yearly
Breeding season
Range eggs per season
1 to 3
Range time to hatching
28 to 31 days
Average time to independence
3 months

Jinks, I. 2015. "Grus antigone" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed November 10, 2020 at

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