Bird / Aythya fuligula

Tufted Duck


Lowest risk


The tufted duck is a small diving duck with a population of close to one million birds, found in northern Eurasia. The scientific name is derived from Ancient Greek aithuia an unidentified seabird mentioned by authors including Hesychius and Aristotle, and Latin, fuligo "soot" and gula "throat".

Range depth
2 to 15 m
Average depth
7 m
Range mass
753.0 (male) 629.8 (female) to 1026.2 (male) 906.8 (female) g
Average mass
889.6 (male) 768.3 (female) g
Range length
406.4 to 457.2 mm
Average length
431.8 mm
Range wingspan
201.5 (male) 193.6 (female) to 212.1 (male) 206.6 (female) mm
Breeding interval
Tufted ducks breed once yearly.
Breeding season
The breeding season occurs during late winter or spring months
Range eggs per season
8 to 11
Average eggs per season
9 to 10
Range time to hatching
25 to 29 days
Average time to hatching
26 to 27 days
Range fledging age
49 to 56 days
Range time to independence
21 to 56 days
Average time to independence
43 days
Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female)
1 years
Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male)
1 years

Azzi, M. and R. Garrison 2012. "Aythya fuligula" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed November 10, 2020 at

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