Bird / Anthus similis
Long-Billed Pipit
Publications that mention Long-Billed Pipit in relation to Kutch
- No papers listed that specifically mention Anthus similis
Related papers
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- Status, Distribution, and Diversity of Birds in Mining Environment of Kachchh, GujaratNB Gajera, AKR Mahato… - International Journal of …, 2013 - downloads.hindawi.com
- An overview of occurrence, distribution and status of the birds of khirthar protected area complex (KPAC), SindhSA Ghalib, SE Hussain, MZ Khan… - Canadian Journal of …, 2013 - researchgate.net
- Gwendolen (Wendy) Mary Beryl sparks (1916–2007): a Gujarat sojourn in 1947–1948A Pittie - indianbirds.in
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- Fauna of Marine National Park, Gulf of Kuchchh (Gujarat)NV Subba Rao, DRK Sastry - Zoological Survey of India p, 2005 - faunaofindia.nic.in
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- Patterns of bird community structure in relation to land-use driven habitat changes in the arid grasslands of Thar Desert.V Kher - 2019 - researchgate.net
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- Handbook to the Birds of the Bombay PresidencyHE Barnes - 1885 - books.google.com
- Birds of Pench Tiger Reserve, Madhya Pradesh, central IndiaMKS Pasha, R Jaypal, G Areendran… - Newsletter for …, 2004 - indianbirds.in
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