Brown Booby

Lowest risk
The brown booby is a large seabird of the booby family, Sulidae, of which it is perhaps the most common and widespread species. It has a pantropical range, which overlaps with that of other booby species. The gregarious brown booby commutes and forages at low height over inshore waters. Flocks plunge-dive to take small fish, especially when these are driven near the surface by their predators. They only nest on the ground, and roost on solid objects rather than the water surface.
- Range elevation
- 0 to 15 m
- Range mass
- 950 to 1800 g
- Average mass
- 1300 g
- Range length
- 64 to 85 cm
- Range wingspan
- 132 to 155 cm
- Breeding interval
- Brown boobies breed once yearly.
- Breeding season
- Brown booby breeding times vary across the world, with most breeding occuring from December to March, although breeding may be year-round in some areas.
- Range eggs per season
- 1 to 3
- Range time to hatching
- 40 to 47 days
- Average time to hatching
- 42 days
- Range fledging age
- 96 to 120 days
- Average fledging age
- 100 days
- Range time to independence
- 42 to 365 days
- Average time to independence
- 50 days
- Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female)
- 240 (low) days
- Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female)
- 1278 days
- Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male)
- 240 (low) days
- Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male)
- 1278 days
- Range lifespan
Status: wild - 27.2 (high) years
- Range territory size
- 1 to 5 m^2
Langteau, J. 2011. "Sula leucogaster" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed November 10, 2020 at https://animaldiversity.org/accounts/Sula_leucogaster/

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