Mammal / Rattus rattus

House Rat


Lowest risk


The black rat, also known as ship rat, roof rat, or house rat—is a common long-tailed rodent of the stereotypical rat genus Rattus, in the subfamily Murinae. It likely originated in the Indian subcontinent, but is now found worldwide.

Range elevation
0 to 250 m
Range mass
70 to 300 g
Average mass
200 g
Range length
16 to 22 cm
Average basal metabolic rate
0.77 W
Breeding interval
R. rattus breeds year-round producing up to five litters in that time.
Breeding season
R. rattus mates throughout the year if environmental conditions permit, however peak times are summer and autumn seasons.
Range number of offspring
6 to 12
Average number of offspring
Average number of offspring
Range gestation period
21 to 29 days
Range weaning age
3 to 4 weeks
Range time to independence
3 to 4 weeks
Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female)
3 to 5 months
Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male)
3 to 5 months
Range lifespan
Status: wild
1 (high) years
Range lifespan
Status: captivity
4 (high) years
Typical lifespan
Status: wild
1 (high) years
Typical lifespan
Status: captivity
1 (low) years
Range territory size
100 (high) m^2

Gillespie, H. 2004. "Rattus rattus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed November 10, 2020 at

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