Bird / Pterocles senegallus
Spotted Sandgrouse
Publications that mention Spotted Sandgrouse in relation to Kutch
- No papers listed that specifically mention Pterocles senegallus
Related papers
- Current distribution and status of the mammals, birds and reptiles in Rann of Kutch Wildlife Sanctuary, Sindh.SA Ghalib, MZ Khan, SA Hussain, A Zehra… - International Journal of …, 2013 - ijbbku.com
- MiiterwanJiuseumC VAURIE - core.ac.uk
- Type specimens in the bird collections of the Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig, BonnR van den Elzen - Bonn Zool Bull, 2010 - zobodat.at
- A study and review of the common Indian sandgrouseGC Christensen, WH Bohl - 1964 - books.google.com
- Biodiversity Informatics in India & Way Ahead….A Deomurari - westernghats-apn.osgeo.in
- Gwendolen (Wendy) Mary Beryl sparks (1916–2007): a Gujarat sojourn in 1947–1948A Pittie - indianbirds.in
- Distribution and Status of Oriental White-backed Vulture Gyps bengalensis in Nagar Parkar, Sindh, PakistanMM Iqbal - orientalbirdclub.org
- Sardar Sarovar Project—a conservation threat to the Indian wild ass (Equus hemionus khur)SP Goyal, B Sinha, N Shah, HS Panwar - Biological conservation, 1999 - Elsevier
- CLIMATIC CONDITIONS AND BIODIVERSITY OF THAR DESERT IN RAJASTHAN: A REVIEWK Dev, V Dhenwal, P Singh - Environmental Crisis And Conservation - books.google.com
- Effect of right bank outfall drain (RBOD) on biodiversity of the wetlands of Haleji wetland complex, SindhMZ Khan, T Jabeen, SA Ghalib, S Siddiqui… - Canadian Journal of …, 2014 - Citeseer
- Physiography and biological diversity of RajasthanBK Sharma, S Kulshreshtha, SK Sharma… - Faunal Heritage of …, 2013 - Springer
- A Catalogue of the Birds of Sind: Cutch, Káthiáwár, North Gujarát, and Mount Aboo, Including Every Species Known to Occur in that Tract of Country to which …EA Butler - 1879 - books.google.com
- A Comparison of Demographic, Social and Economic Conditions of Tharparkar with Canal Barrage Area Sindh (1988-2000): An IntroductionGM Herani - 2002 - mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de
- XIII. THE ECOLOGY OF VERTEBRATES OF THEI PRAKASH - Ecology and Biogeography in India, 2012 - books.google.com
- Handbook to the Birds of the Bombay PresidencyHE Barnes - 1885 - books.google.com
- A bibliography of ornithology in Gujarat, India: 1758–2010A Pittie - Indian BIRDS, 2010 - indianbirds.in
- European travellers in Oman and south-east Arabia 1792-1950: a Biobibliographical StudyB Marshall - New Arabian Studies, 1994 - books.google.com
- Birds of Pench Tiger Reserve, Madhya Pradesh, central IndiaMKS Pasha, R Jaypal, G Areendran… - Newsletter for …, 2004 - indianbirds.in
- Rare birds in Iran in the late 1960s and 1970sDA Scott - Podoces, 2008 - academia.edu
- Birds of northern IndiaR Grimmett, T Inskipp - 2018 - books.google.com
Thanks to SerpApi for their contribution in gathering this data.
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