Bird / Mergus merganser

Lowest risk
The common merganser or goosander (Eurasian) is a large seaduck of rivers and lakes in forested areas of Europe, the northern and central Palearctic, and North America.
- Range depth
- 4 (high) m
- Range mass
- 1050 to 2054 g
- Range length
- 53 to 69 cm
- Range wingspan
- 86 to 99 cm
- Breeding interval
- Common mergansers breed once yearly.
- Breeding season
- Breeding occurs from May to June each year.
- Range eggs per season
- 6 to 17
- Average eggs per season
- 8-12
- Average eggs per season
- 10
- Range time to hatching
- 28 to 35 days
- Range fledging age
- 60 to 85 days
- Average time to independence
- 30-50 days
- Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female)
- 2 (low) years
- Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male)
- 2 (low) years
- Range lifespan
Status: wild - 13.8 (high) years
- Range lifespan
Status: captivity - 13.4 (high) years
- Average lifespan
Status: wild - 161 months
Becker, R. 2006. "Mergus merganser" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed November 10, 2020 at https://animaldiversity.org/accounts/Mergus_merganser/

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