Reptile / Lepidochelys olivacea
Olive Ridley Sea Turtle
Publications that mention Olive Ridley Sea Turtle in relation to Kutch
- Recovery programme for olive ridley Lepidochelys olivacea (Eschscholtz, 1829) along Madras CoastEG Silas, M Rajagopalan - CMFRI Bulletin, 1984 - eprints.cmfri.org.in
- Lepidochelys olivaceaGR Zug, RV Wilson, CH Ernst - Catalogue of American …, 1998 - repositories.lib.utexas.edu
Related papers
- A turtle's journey from Pakistan (Karachi) to India (Gujarat)F Firdous - Marine Turtle Newsletter, 1991 - seaturtle.org
- Distribution of Coastal and Marine Herpetofauna in the Gulf of Kachchh, Gujarat, IndiaS Munjpara, RD Kamboj, J Joshi, D Jadeja - podarcis.de
- Sea Turtles along the Gujarat Coast SF Wesley Sunderraj*, Justus Joshua, and Sesh Serebiah.SFW Sunderraj - Kachhapa, 2001 - iotn.org
- Waders and other wetland birds on Byet Dwarka Island, Gulf of Kutch, western IndiaAJ Urfi - BULLETIN-WADER STUDY GROUP, 2002 - sora.unm.edu
- Indian Ocean Turtle Newsletter–Issue 03SFW SUNDERRAJ, J JOSHUA - iotn.org
- Notes on marine turtles in Andhra Pradesh coast, IndiaCS Kar - Marine Turtle Newsletter, 1983 - seaturtle.org
- Recent sightings of the Hawksbill turtle Eretmochelys imbricata (Linnaeus, 1757) on the coast of Northern Andhra Pradesh, IndiaKLN Murthy, KVR Murthy - Asian Journal of Conservation Biology Vol, 2012 - ajcb.in
- MARINE TURTLE RESOURCES OF INDIAMCJ Milton, K Venkataraman - nbaindia.org
- Epizoan communities on marine turtles. III. BryozoaJG Frazier, JE Winston… - Bulletin of Marine …, 1992 - ingentaconnect.com
- Reptilian diversity in and around the marine national park and marine sanctuary, Gujarat State.V Raju, JN Patel - Tigerpaper, 2009 - cabdirect.org
- Paper 8: Marine Turtle Conservation in Pakistan with special reference to measures taken by Sindh Wildlife DepartmentF Firdous - Sea Turtle Conservation in Asia - iucn.org
- Incidential catch of sea turtles in IndiaM Rajagopalan, E Vivekanandan… - Marine Fisheries …, 1996 - eprints.cmfri.org.in
- The use of sea turtle hatcheries as an ex situ conservation strategy in IndiaAD Phillott, N Kale - Indian Ocean Turtle Newsletter, 2018 - iotn.org
- Sea turtle conservation and education in Karachi, PakistanF Firdous - Sea Turtles of the Indo-Pacific, Review …, 2001 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
- Archival sea turtles in National Zoological Collections of Zoological Survey of IndiaS Kundu, V Kumar, B Murthy… - Records of the Zoological …, 2018 - recordsofzsi.com
- First Record from North America of the Piscicolid Leech, Ozobranchus margoi, a Parasite of Marine TurtlesRW Davies, CG Chapman - Journal of the Fisheries Board of …, 1974 - NRC Research Press
- Natural Character Area Profile: the Coastal Plan of Kachchh, Gujarat, North Western IndiaD Bartlett, S Milliken, E Gomez Martin, D Parmar - 2016 - gala.gre.ac.uk
- A review of reptile studies in Gujarat StateR Vyas - Zoos' Print Journal, 2000 - zoosprint.zooreach.org
- s. BISWASO BENGAL - Records of the Zoological Survey of India, 1982 - faunaofindia.nic.in
- Indian Ocean Turtle Newsletter–Issue 05MTCEIN UDUPI, K DISTRICT - iotn.org
- Review of the distribution, status and conservation of wildlife of SindhSA Ghalib, R Kanwal, A Zehra, S Siddiqui… - Canadian Journal of …, 2018 - researchgate.net
- Marine turtles and mammalsM Rajagopalan, NG Menon - 2003 - eprints.cmfri.org.in
- Studies on nesting and tagging of two species of marine turtles of Karachi coastF Firdous, S Barkati, S Rahman - Pakistan Journal of …, 2010 - researchgate.net
- Towards an integrated and collaborative sea turtle conservation programme in IndiaK Shanker, HV Andrews - Towards an Integrated and Collaborative Sea Turtle … - Citeseer
- Exploitation of marine turtles in the Indian OceanJ Frazier - Human Ecology, 1980 - Springer
- Indian Ocean Turtle Newsletter-Issue 27AD PHILLOTT, K SHANKER - iotn.org
- Marine turtles in India: Research and conservationN Namboothri, K Shanker… - Mangrove for the future …, 2012 - researchgate.net
- Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, 29 February Through 4 March 2000, Orlando, Florida, USAA Mosier, AM Foley, B Brost - 2002 - books.google.com
- Marine biodiversity in IndiaKK Joshi - 2018 - eprints.cmfri.org.in
- Familial relationships among nesting female leatherbacks examined with genetic markersELS Turtle - TWENTIETH ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM ON SEA TURTLE … - researchgate.net
- JR Bhatt JK Patterson Edward DJ MacintoshBP Nilaratna - researchgate.net
- Conservation status of marine faunal diversity in India: An analysis of the Indian Wildlife (Protection Act) and IUCN threatened speciesPT Rajan - Marine Faunal Diversity in India, 2015 - Elsevier
- Checkliste und Bestimmungsschlüssel der Schildkröten und Krokodile PakistansLZ bildeten die Bände, SN der Teilung - wildlifeofpakistan.com
- Behavioural polymorphism in one of the world's largest populations of loggerhead sea turtles Caretta carettaALF Rees, S Al Saady, AC Broderick… - Marine Ecology …, 2010 - int-res.com
- Mangrove: The Coastal Heritage of OrissaRK Satapathy, S Das, S Goswami - Orissa Review, 2008 - researchgate.net
- Nature watchN Pereira - Resonance, 2015 - Springer
- Mosquitoes of the mangrove forests of India: part 1—Bhitarkanika, OrissaAR Rajavel, R Natarajan, K Vaidyanathan - Journal of the American …, 2005 - BioOne
- Marine biodiversity of India–status and challengesKK Joshi, MS Varsha, VL Sruthy - 2015 - eprints.cmfri.org.in
- Zootherapy BasedMedicinalTraditionsin BrazilEM Costa-Neto - 2000 - academia.edu
- Issue Number 127 April 2010C Leatherbacks, CE Diez - Marine Turtle Newsletter, 2010 - trinationalinitiative.org
- IOTN ONLINE IS AVAILABLE AT http://www. seaturtle. org/iotnK Shanker - 2006 - iotn.org
- Development TeamV Ravi, S Rajaguru, PN Sridhar, MV Balamurugan - nccr.gov.in
- Loss of Megafauna Species from Pakistan: Causes and ImplicationsM Rais - Defaunation and Conservation, 2017 - researchgate.net
- Zoo I. Surv. India Fauna of Karnataka, State Fauna Series, 21: 435-465, 2013R AENGALS, MS PRADHAN - Fauna of Karnataka, 2013 - academia.edu
- 21. Health-Status Of The Coastal Marine Environment Of IndiaMDZR Center - incois.gov.in
- 15 Sea Turtle EpibiosisMG Frick, JB Pfaller - The Biology of Sea Turtles, Volume III, 2013 - books.google.com
- Ecology of marine turtles across the eastern Mediterranean and the Middle EastAF Rees - 2013 - ore.exeter.ac.uk
- Pictorial Handbook on Marine Reptiles of India 1-75TSN Murthy - Published by the Director, Zool. Surv. India, Kolkata …, 2007 - faunaofindia.nic.in
- Coastal biodiversity-Conservation and sustainable managementM Devaraj - 1996 - eprints.cmfri.org.in
- IN GUJARAT STATE, INDLAR VYAS - researchgate.net
- Marine and coastal aquatic biodiversity of KarnatakaPU Zacharia - 2008 - eprints.cmfri.org.in
- The status of sea turtle populations on the Gujarat coast of IndiaSFW Sunderraj, J Joshua, L Brahmbhatt… - Towards an Integrated …, 2006 - academia.edu
- Marine protected areas in IndiaHS Singh - 2003 - nopr.niscair.res.in
- MangrovesD Ghosh - Resonance, 2011 - Springer
- Degradation of Marine habitats and Coastal management frameworkMD Zingde - 2002 - drs.nio.org
- A Study of the Impact of the Tsunami on the Point Calimere Wildlife and Bird Sanctuary and the Muthupet Mangrove ForestC Sivasubramanian, R Sivakkumar - THE GROUND BENEATH THE WAVES - wti.org.in
- The status of sea turtle populations on the Gujarat coast of IndiaJ Joshua, A Saravanakumar, SK Das - geciczmp.com
- Status of marine biodiversity in IndiaKK Joshi, MS Varsha - 2018 - eprints.cmfri.org.in
- Status, biodiversity and distribution of mangroves in India: an overviewAK Singh, A Ansari, D Kumar, UK Sarkar - Uttar Pradhesh Sate …, 2012 - upsbdb.org
- Caribbean round-trip ticket: The migration behavior of female hawksbill turtles recorded using data loggers.S Storch, Z Hillis-Starr… - International Symp. Sea …, 2003 - oceanrep.geomar.de
- Reptiles of Gujarat, India: updated checklist, distribution, and conservation statusH Patel, R Vyas - Herpetology Notes, 2019 - biotaxa.org
- Informe final* del Proyecto HC008 Computarización de la Colección de Referencia para Zoología, Arqueozoología y Paleontología del Museo de Historia …ÁIC del Mar - conabio.gob.mx
- Senthil Kumar, SK Sivakumar - IGNFA), Kumar, RS (WII), Ramesh, C., Adhavan, D … - researchgate.net
- Indian coral reefs: diversity, anthropogenic influences and conservation measuresV Jayaprakas, R Radhakrishnan - International J. Humanities, Arts …, 2014 - academia.edu
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- Wetland ecosystems and coastal habitat diversity in Gujarat, IndiaOD Stanley - Journal of coastal development, 2004 - eprints.undip.ac.id
- An overview of Wetland ecosystems in India with special emphasis on Conservation and Management of Wetlands of Gangetic plains of UPMA Khalid, KK Mohapatra - Perspectives in Plant Ecology and …, 2006 - books.google.com
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- Coastal and Marine Biodiversity Protected Areas in India: Challenges and Way ForwardK Sivakumar - Ecology and Conservation of Tropical Marine Faunal …, 2013 - Springer
- The Bycatch problemAS Lobo - Resonance, 2007 - Springer
- A checklist of turtle and whale barnacles (Cirripedia: Thoracica: Coronuloidea)R Hayashi - Marine Biological Association of the United …, 2013 - search.proquest.com
- Predation upon hatchling dinosaurs by a new snake from the Late Cretaceous of IndiaJA Wilson, DM Mohabey, SE Peters, JJ Head - PLoS Biol, 2010 - journals.plos.org
- Fauna of Marine National Park, Gulf of Kuchchh (Gujarat)NV Subba Rao, DRK Sastry - Zoological Survey of India p, 2005 - faunaofindia.nic.in
- STUDY TEAMAK Kumaraguru - niti.gov.in
- Proceedings of the Thirtieth Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, 24-30 April 2010J Blumenthal, A Panagopoulou, ALF Rees - 2013 - books.google.com
- Bibliography (Part-3) The publications by the staff of Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute 1991-1995V Mohan, S Mahesh - CMFRI Special Publication, 1998 - eprints.cmfri.org.in
- Environmental sensitivity mapping of the coast of Karnataka, west coast of IndiaK Sowmya, KS Jayappa - Ocean & Coastal Management, 2016 - Elsevier
- Coastal and marine biodiversity of IndiaK Venkataraman, C Raghunathan - Marine faunal diversity in India, 2015 - Elsevier
- Marine biodiversity: An important resource base to develop bioactive compounds for health and diseasesKK Joshi, M Sethulakshmi, KB Sheeba, PA Thobias… - 2018 - eprints.cmfri.org.in
- Beyond the Tsunami: coastal sand dunes of Tamil Nadu, India-an overviewN Namboothri, D Subramanian… - … /UNTRS, Chennai and …, 2008 - dakshin.org
- Training Manual In the frame work of the project: DBT sponsored Three Months National Training in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology for Fisheries Professionals …P Vijayagopal, R Peter - 2018 - eprints.cmfri.org.in
- A transect of environmental variability across South Asia and its influence on Late Pleistocene human innovation and occupationP Roberts, J Blinkhorn… - Journal of Quaternary …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
- Marine Biodiversity of India–A Perspective for RFMKK Joshi - 2013 - eprints.cmfri.org.in
- The green revolution and the evolution of agricultural education and research in IndiaMS Punia - International Agriculture Research-Initiatives and … - Citeseer
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