Bird / Larus canus
Mew Gull

Lowest risk
The common gull or sea mew is a medium-sized gull that breeds in the Palearctic, northern Europe, and northwestern North America. The North American subspecies is commonly referred to as the mew gull, although that name is also used by some authorities for the whole species. Many common gulls migrate further south in winter. There are differing accounts as to how the species acquired its vernacular name.
- Range mass
- 290 to 552 g
- Average mass
- 432 g
- Range length
- 40 to 46 cm
- Range wingspan
- 119 to 122 cm
- Average basal metabolic rate
- 2.257 W
- Breeding season
- March and early April
- Range eggs per season
- 3 to 5
- Average eggs per season
- 3
- Average eggs per season
- 3
- Average time to hatching
- 25 days
- Average time to hatching
- 23 days
- Average fledging age
- 35 days
- Average lifespan
Status: wild - 24 years
- Average lifespan
Status: wild - 218 months
Steele, A. 2002. "Larus canus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed November 10, 2020 at https://animaldiversity.org/accounts/Larus_canus/

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