Long-Eared Owl

Lowest risk
The long-eared owl, also known as the northern long-eared owl or, more informally, as the lesser horned owl or cat owl, is a medium-sized species of owl with an extensive breeding range. The scientific name is from Latin. The genus name Asio is a type of eared owl, and otus also refers to a small, eared owl. The species breeds in many areas through Europe and the Palearctic, as well as in North America. This species is a part of the larger grouping of owls known as typical owls, of the family Strigidae, which contains most extant species of owl.
- Range elevation
- 0 to 2000 m
- Range mass
- 220 to 435 g
- Range length
- 35 to 40 cm
- Range wingspan
- 90 to 100 cm
- Average basal metabolic rate
- 0.954 W
- Breeding interval
- Long-eared owls breed once yearly.
- Breeding season
- Long-eared owls breed between February and July.
- Range eggs per season
- 2 to 10
- Average eggs per season
- 5-6
- Average eggs per season
- 4
- Range time to hatching
- 25 to 30 days
- Average time to hatching
- 26-28 days
- Average fledging age
- 21 days
- Average time to independence
- 8-9 weeks
- Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female)
- 1 years
- Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male)
- 1 years
- Range lifespan
Status: wild - 27.8 (high) years
- Average lifespan
Status: wild - 133 months
Ivory, A. 1999. "Asio otus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed November 10, 2020 at https://animaldiversity.org/accounts/Asio_otus/

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