Bird / Aquila heliaca
Eastern Imperial Eagle
Publications that mention Eastern Imperial Eagle in relation to Kutch
- Wing-tagged Eastern Imperial Eagle Aquila heliaca in the Little Rann of Kachchh, Gujarat, IndiaHS Sangha, P Ganpule, NS Raote - Indian Birds, 2016 - indianbirds.in
- Recovery of a ringed juvenile Eastern Imperial Eagle Aquila heliaca at Sardarshahr, Thar Desert, IndiaHS Sangha, SS Poonia - Indian Birds, 2016 - indianbirds.in
Related papers
- Wetland ecosystem sustainability over human wildlife conflict in and around Lakhpat taluka, Kachchh district, IndiaA Das, SH Shukla, PN Joshi, PP Prajapati - thematicpublication.com
- Status, Distribution, and Diversity of Birds in Mining Environment of Kachchh, GujaratNB Gajera, AKR Mahato… - International Journal of …, 2013 - downloads.hindawi.com
- Current distribution and status of the mammals, birds and reptiles in Rann of Kutch Wildlife Sanctuary, Sindh.SA Ghalib, MZ Khan, SA Hussain, A Zehra… - International Journal of …, 2013 - ijbbku.com
- Notes on fledglings of Spectacled Finch Callacanthis burtoniP Sharma, S Singh - Indian Birds, 2016 - indianbirds.in
- Sighting record of White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) at Nandur Madhyameshwar Wildlife Sanctuary, Nashik, MaharashtraN Dudhe, R Kasambe - researchgate.net
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- Status and Distribution of Raptors in RajasthanR Naoroji, HS Sangha - Faunal Heritage of Rajasthan, India, 2013 - Springer
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