Bird / Alcedo atthis
Common Kingfisher

Lowest risk
The common kingfisher, also known as the Eurasian kingfisher and river kingfisher, is a small kingfisher with seven subspecies recognized within its wide distribution across Eurasia and North Africa. It is resident in much of its range, but migrates from areas where rivers freeze in winter.
- Range elevation
- 0 to 190 m
- Range mass
- 26 to 39 g
- Average mass
- 34 g
- Average length
- 17 cm
- Range wingspan
- 24 (low) cm
- Average wingspan
- 26 cm
- Average basal metabolic rate
- 0.3780 cm3.O2/g/hr
- Average basal metabolic rate
- 0.378 W
- Breeding interval
- Common kingfishers have 2-3 clutches yearly, one in April, another by July, and sometimes, a final clutch in early October.
- Breeding season
- Breeding occurs from early April until early October.
- Range eggs per season
- 4 to 10
- Average eggs per season
- 6
- Range time to hatching
- 18 to 21 days
- Range fledging age
- 23 to 27 days
- Range lifespan
Status: wild - 21 (high) years
- Average lifespan
Status: wild - 7 years
- Average lifespan
Status: captivity - 21 years
Gardner, R. 2006. "Alcedo atthis" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed November 10, 2020 at https://animaldiversity.org/accounts/Alcedo_atthis/

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